Here's how to help.

Consider how fast a meme spreads, but we're combining it with local action against addiction too.

We're creating a global conversation about pornography, helping hundreds of millions to quit.

You can help by following all instructions on this page.


Posting anywhere about how pornography has impacted you.

You can help by

  1. saving these pictures below
  2. making them your own
  3. telling the world.

Or, just use #shareyourstory or #quiteasily however you'd like!

creating local impact

Destigmatise discussing pornography locally with people who don't like it already.

  1. giving letters to churches, mosques and many other places
  2. putting up posters and creations in spaces.

Local impact is the most important part because it creates real world change.
Here's how to do it.

how to create local impact

and if you'd like, donating!

Appreciated and used for

  1. creating advertisements in low income countries
  2. shaking hands with people to destigmatise to mass audiences
  3. hosting and organisational expenses
  4. paying full time staff and developers
  5. keeping rapid mobility.